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5 2 I can't find any other version of Firefox with a later installation date or in a different location on the computer, a 512mb-RAM 1.. I can literally launch the same 2 home pages on FF and Safari by starting the apps fresh, and I will have loaded the page, then clicked and gone at least one new.. There is a crash reporter which analyses this, but I am not a techie; parsing complaints seem to be.. In other words, after crashing and restarting firefox several times, one can be left with a number of PDFs that are absolutely CRAP (one for each crash).
0 3 on Mac OS 10 4 11 (and other, earlier Mac OS versions as well) Comments: Sadly, Firefox is awful on every Mac I've tried it on.. 4 11 (Tiger), Firefox Version 3 0 3; Firefox crashes half the time: File > Print > Save as PDF Comments: And the resulting PDF is a mess, it cannot be opened, and it gives no indication of damage until you try to open it.. I have a PC as well, and I love Firefox, it's the only browser I use on the PC On my Macs, however.. 4 11Name: Product: Firefox Summary: after 3 6 3 upgrade, Firefox won't open at all on Mac OS 10. Click
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Why won't the listing show the current version num after 3 6 3 upgrade, Firefox won't open at all on Mac OS 10. Click
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4 11 (Tiger), Firefox Version 3 0 3; Firefox crashes half the time: File > Print > Save as PDFName: mike Email: m_salantatyahoodotcom Product: Firefox Summary: I am using Mac OS X Version 10. b0d43de27c Click
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Firefox For Mac 10 7 DownloadMozilla Firefox For Mac Os X 10 4 11 DownloadI am using Mac OS X Version 10.. After upgrading to 3 5 3 (and doing a browser-menu Help>Release Notes opening a tab showing it's 3.. 5 3), I find the computer's hierarchical listing of applications still shows version 3.. 33GHz Power PC G4 5-yr -old Mac mini with OS X 10 4 11 (the highest allowed on a non-Intel Mac).. Updated to Firefox 3 5 3, but version still lists as 3 5 2 (Mac OS X 10 4 11 on G4). 5